2023-09-14 IPAC Meeting Minutes
2023-09-14 IPAC Meeting Minutes
Seattle Public Schools Native Education
Title Vl, Indian Parent Advisory Committee (IPAC)
In-Person Meeting
Thursday, September 14, 2023
TEAMS and In person
In attendance: Tonia Galindo, Trina Nonis, Gail Morris, Lisa McCaul
- Meeting started at 5:06pm
- Motion to approve June 2023 minutes: Trina
- Second: Tonia
- Motion: passed
Community Check-in
Native Education Update
Staff worked with Valerie Segrest for professional development, 28 Professional Development for teachers planned, re-entry position current candidate pool
No grant money for food for culture nights.
VP, Secretary, members-at-large elections next meeting. Shana will set up electronic voting.
Low turnout for first IPAC meeting. We decided to hold IPAC meetings online for accessibility reasons for families on the go.
Suggestion of putting NE web site on any email communication
Reorganization tour of NE Culture Night supplies
CNs will be every other week
1st one: drum protocol, drumsticks making (Chehalis hide and fur vendor), potluck, independent sewing
CN ideas: painting elementary, moccasins, ribbon skirts, beading projects, jingle projects, corn husk dolls (Lisa), Halloween party, Holiday party: paint tree bulbs, fry bread bag, cocoa bag, toys for tots, SPL book donation, dessert walk, Valentines party, flute artist, how to sew project night,
Big Parties: Halloween, Holiday, Valentines, End of Year
Mishella will be available to work on projects and her brother will assist with drumstick making
Salve and tea night (Victoria Plumage)
Meeting ended at 6:05pm
Next meeting is on October 12, 2023
We encourage all parents and guardians of Seattle Public Schools Native American and Alaskan Native Students to attend. The role of the Title Vl Native Education Parent Advisory Committee is to consult with and advise the Seattle School District on the development and operation of the Title Vl Program, assist in the development and approval of the Title Vl grant, and to help organize and conduct community cultural events, it’s important to know that the PAC helps to organize events and raise funds as well. By serving on the PAC parents and guardians of Native American/Alaskan Native Students in Seattle Public Schools can help decide the program goals and activities.
For information contact Gail Morris gtmorris@cnlawyer18.com 206-252-0948